Setup Rootly
Go to your Rootly Account
Select "Alerts" in the Sidebar and then the "Alert Sources" tab.
Click "+ Add Alert Source"
Search for "Generic Webhook", and click to open. Choose a name, like "IsDown" and click Create.
You will have to fill in several text fields to complete the setup.
Go to Step 2, and fill the inputs with these values.
"Alert Title JsonPath Locator" ->
"Notification Target Type JsonPath Locator" ->
"Notification Target ID JsonPath Locator" ->
Enable (if you want Auto Resolve)
"locate the identifier" ->
"where the field" ->
"what the field" ->
Go to Step 1 and grab the Authorization Header - Credentials (TOKEN)
Go to your IsDown account, and the Alerts & Integrations screen in the sidebar.
Select the Rootly check box.
In the Webhook URL, paste the value you grabbed in 5.2 after this URL:
For the Targets, it's optional. You will need to fill this field if you want to Page someone.
Choose the Target Type. It's available by "Service", "Team" or "Escalation Policy".
Grab the UUID in Rootly for the Service/Team/Escalation Policy you want.
Click Save Changes
And it's done. When an outage starts, we will create an alert in Rootly and close it when the vendor closes the status update.
Last updated